Covid-19 Update In line with government guidelines, our teams are now working remotely and safely from home. 15/04/2020
COVID-19 We are all aware that we are living through unprecedented times, something in my 46 years of aviation I had never quite expected to see. 19/03/2020
Line Up Aviation Continues To Grow! Line Up Aviation is delighted to announce that due to expansion and plans for further growth we have moved to new premises for our UK-South West office. 21/08/2019
Line Up Aviation Are Delighted To Announce Their Certification To ISO 9001:2015 Line Up Aviation have been awarded certification to the ISO 9001:2015 standard by the British Standards Institute (BSI) on behalf of the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS). 03/06/2019
Quiz Night at Line Up Aviation in Italy Line Up Aviation, Italy decided to host a quiz night arranged by the ladies of Line Up 01/03/2019